REALLY close stack

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Wed Jun 16 05:04:33 EDT 2004

At 5:55 pm -0400 15/6/04, Troy Rollins wrote:
>Sorry, the code example looks more like this...
>  repeat for each line tFile in tFileList
>     if there is a stack "Current Resource" then
>       set the destroyStack of stack "Current Resource" to TRUE
>       close stack "Current Resource"
>     end if
>       go invisible stack URL (the defaultFolder & "/" & tFile)
>       if there is a field "NameField" of stack "Current Resource" then
>         Put tFile & TAB & field "NameField" of stack "Current 
>Resource" after field "Resource Select List" of card "Main 
>Interface" of stack "The Program"
>       end if
>     set the destroyStack of stack "Current Resource" to TRUE
>     close stack "Current Resource"
>   end repeat

I remember a problem somewhat similar from way back (in a previous 
engine). I concluded (but can't confirm) that the problem occurred 
because the removal of the stack from memory took place after the 
handler finished running. So deleting stacks in a repeat loop may not 
produce the desired effect. The solution was to use "send ... in 
<time>" . Perhaps something like this (untested):

local lvFileList

on myHandler pFileList
  put pFileList into lvFileList
end myHandler

on destroyHandler
  if there is a stack "Current Resource" then
    delete stack "Current Resource"
  end if
  send "nextOpenHandler" to me in 50 milliseconds
end destroyHandler

on nextOpenHandler
   if lvFileList is not empty then
     put line 1 of lvFileList into tFile
     delete line 1 of lvFileList
     go invisible stack URL (the defaultFolder & "/" & tFile)
     if there is a field "NameField" of stack "Current Resource" then
     put tFile & TAB & field "NameField" of stack "Current Resource" 
after field "Resource Select List" of card "Main Interface" of stack 
"The Program"
     end if
     send "destroyHandler" to me in 10 milliseconds
   end if
end nextOpenHandler


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