Uhhhh... No? Yes?

Mark Brownell gizmotron at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 10 19:21:08 EDT 2004

On Thursday, June 10, 2004, at 03:06  PM, Bob Nelson wrote:

> I'm not sure what the answer to your retort should be.

Your answer should be "shut up with the wise cracks you idiot." I was 
joking about disposing of HTML from a web page. Many here understood 
what you meant by your question.

> My problem is that there are some websites that spew forth data at an
> alarming rate that I need to pull the raw data back out -- and use it 
> for
> other nefarious purposes.  That said, having a way to clean the 
> grabbed page
> and return it to something more useful (like a database) will make the
> information useful to me -- not composed in some fashion by a 
> government
> web-site in a form they think should be digestable to the rest of "us."
> Java.  Not.
> Bob

Java does a fine job of disposing of a website sometimes. You of course 
couldn't have meant disposing of the code that displays a webpage on 
that page's server and I knew that.

So if you want to see what I've done about extracting code fragments 
from web pages then look for pull-parser and MTML in the archives of 
this list. I created some handlers that pull portions of text, tag 
sets, out of text documents.

here: http://mindlube.com/cgi-bin/search-use-rev.cgi

This is a great place to search the archives for topical information 
already discussed.


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