lockLoc [was Re: Alpha Channel?]

Marty Billingsley marty at vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 10 12:43:49 EDT 2004

> Frank Leahy <frank at backtalk.com> writes:

> > I'd like it so if I wanted the history, I could save it myself -
> > otherwise
> > transformations should stay transformed.
> They do stay transformed, until one of two things happens.  One, if you
> change the image object via the fileName or import commands, or two, if
> you leave the card and return.  When you return to a card, RR uses the
> lockLoc property as a hint about how to size the image object as it
> redraws the screen ("hmmm, do I use the image size, or do I use the
> image object size?").

This is what seems counterintuitive to me.  Why not have a "revert"
command somewhere in the propery inspector so that you can get the
original image back if you want.  But RR shouldn't keep changing it
back to the original size just 'cos I went to a different card and
came back!

Is there any other software that really works in this manner?
Photoshop, for example, keeps track of the original dimensions
so you can revert or step back in history.  Web editing software,
of course, doesn't touch the original image, but if you resize a
picture, that resized image stays on your web page.  Somebody
mentioned MS Word, but it, too, behaves as I would expect.

  - marty

Marty Billingsley (marty at ucls.uchicago.edu)
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

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