Transcript language design.

Alex Tweedly alex at
Thu Jun 10 05:54:50 EDT 2004

At 21:03 09/06/2004 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote:

>Wednesday, June 9, 2004, 7:03:24 PM, you wrote:
>AT> Often. But that's not a counter-example; that's an example of using the
>AT> wrong operator and the language design not helping to spot it;   not an
>AT> example of using the correct operator, which is the problem here. As I 
>AT> - it caught me out mostly because string operations are so unusual.
>Trying your example of:
>myVar = 1
>gives me:

We're mixing examples here Mark. My comments about language and operators 
in particular string operators (from me) was about the     URL "file:" & 
myVar   example, not the traditional assignment one.

>Type    Expression: double binary operator
>Object  Button 1
>Line    myVar = 1
>Hint    =

Yeah - it gives me that too :-(

I think I was misunderstanding that error message - and by then I was just 
so frustrated I had to do something else before I had any chance of slowing 
down and thinking again.

Or (clutching at straws) maybe I had actually written
     put myVar = 3
which doesn't give an error.

>I don't see where this falls into the category of "the language design
>not helping to spot it". Even with the buggy error handler. It's
>annoying, and I'm constantly typing stuff like this and having to
>correct myself, but it *does* get caught.

It might be that the error handler was (or seemed to be) pointing at a 
different line, and that's why I was confused.

No matter - I've had enough help and encouragement from you all that I'm 
back ready to give it another enthusiastic try .... and none of the issues 
finished up being Bugzilla entries (though I do have a list of those to 
enter when I've re-verified them :-)

-- Alex.

>-Mark Wieder
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