Screen drawing buggy?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Jun 9 16:16:27 EDT 2004

--- Geoff Caplan <geoff at> wrote:
> Jan,
> JS> On what platform and version are you
> encountering this
> JS> screen redraw issue ? I don't have this sort of
> JS> problem on my Win2K or WinME portables.
> That's reassuring. I'm on Win2K with the latest
> service pack, but
> perhaps it is because I have a 21" screen and a 6
> year-old graphics
> card! On the other hand, other applications seem to
> be able to cope
> with this.
> ------------------
> Geoff Caplan

Hi Geoff,

The engine has an uncanny way of exposing problems in
graphic cards and drivers ; if you're using the latest
version of the driver, and the problem persists, then
it's probably the old graphics card.

Hope I didn't dissapoint you,

Jan Schenkel.

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