error message anomalies, anyone?

Graham Samuel graham.samuel at
Wed Jun 9 09:45:18 EDT 2004

On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 11:37:11 -0700, Richard Gaskin 
<ambassador at> wrote:

>Howe many of you have found that error messages in Rev 2.2 do not appear
>to be related to the actual cause of script errors?

Me, certainly. With a bit of effort I could give specific examples.

I guess (it **is** just a guess) that the error-message generator is losing 
the context in which the error occurs, so that it's reduced to simply 
giving some kind of random or generic error.

I noticed some who have replied have linked this behaviour to crashes in 
the IDE. Although I do see crashes in the IDE (almost always when I try to 
completely remove a mainstack and substacks from the IDE and start work on 
a new one - my suspicion is that the 'quit' handling in my original stack 
is somehow messing things up), this doesn't, for me, seem to have any 
connection with the anomalous error problem.

Slightly OT, when this error-reporting is improved (soon?) could RunRev 
stop giving the currently reported error a dark hilite - it's dark blue on 
my PC laptop - I find I have to click elsewhere in the error report window 
to switch off the hilite so as to render the error text readable, every 
time - and I can't believe I'm the only one. I haven't yet looked into 
Bugzilla to see if this has been formally suggested as an improvement.


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  

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