ANN Props NO2

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Jun 7 22:56:58 EDT 2004


I've a couple of concerns with your new plugin palette.

1) It doesn't seem to 'keep current' the property window settings when 
switching from object to object. This is something the RR palettes 
already do by themselves, so it appears you've broken something there.

2) In your documentation it states under Uninstall "Delete me! I dare 
you!" While this is not only unprofessional and unappropriate for a paid 
for program (you are charging for it), it also is *scary* to your users!

3) Because you've password protected your stack, it's difficult to know 
exactly what you're doing. For instance, are you modifying any of the 
IDE code? If indeed you are, I suggest you reconsider, as modifying the 
RR code is *BAD BEHAVIOR* and at the least will create support 
nightmares for the RunRev team. If you're inserting frontscripts, I'd 
also like to know.

4) Both in your documentation and on this website, you continue to slam 
RunRev for their product quality. This certainly doesn't seem a very 
professional approach if your goal is to garner more support for your 
plugin and products. BTW, I make a living using RunRev and don't 
encounter near the problems you suggest.

5) In your documentation you state:

If this application crashes... crashing and instability behavior is 
completely out of the control of the programmer and rests entirely under 
the responsibility of RunRev development.

I assume you're kidding! You're asking people to purchase your software, 
yet wish to take no responsibility regarding the quality of it? Wow, I 
wish I could make such a claim to my customers!!! (Please pay me now, 
and report all bugs to RunRev;-)

And lastly, your incorrect assumption below:

> As RR plugins are now futile, you just need to open this stack to
> make it work! 

is blatantly untrue, and has no place on this list. I've created and 
maintained a slew of cross-platform plugins for RunRev (for free) which 
are used by many here. Just because you've had limited success writing 
professional plugins, doesn't mean it's not possible by others.


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