Sort cards Numeric by (a mixed string)

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Sun Jun 6 23:23:42 EDT 2004

On 7 Jun 2004, at 8:10 am, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

> Is there a way to force Rev to see a mixed alpha numeric string as  
> numeric if it begins with numbers?
> Context: series of cards auto loaded with images where the field 
> "photofileName" comes in and the image ref for  image 1 on the card is 
> the same.
> e.g.
> card no		fld "photoFileName"
> card 1   1.BigBlueBird
> card 2   10.RedOrange
> card 3	 11.WhiteApple
> card 4	 2.SmallBlackBird
> Ideal the person naming the photos uses zero padding, but typically I 
> find users oblivious to this issue and I simply need to give them a 
> way to resort from a button to:
> card 1   1.BigBlueBird
> card 2	 2.SmallBlackBird
> card 3   10.RedOrange
> card 4	 11.WhiteApple
> Sort cards of this stack numeric by fld "photoFileName"
Try something like this:

   set the itemDel to "."
   sort lines of theData numeric by item 1 of (word 3 of each)


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