Cross-platform fonts...what is everyone else doing? -and- > More font woes

Cubist at Cubist at
Fri Jul 30 17:19:06 EDT 2004

sez dan at
>A couple of years ago, I dealt with all this cross-platform font stuff. I
>got so tired of trying to work it out that I finally came up with a solution
>that has worked perfectly ever since.  What did I do you ask?  Well, it
>wasn't cheep, but I hired a fontographer to build two font families (plain,
>bold, italic, bold-italic) for me.  A serif, and a san-serif.  They look a
>lot like a subset of Helvetica and Times.  They are specifically designed
>(spacing, kerning, height, bitmaps and all the other properties) to be
>IDENTICAL on both Macs and Windows computers.  I've tested them on Mac 7.1
>to 10.3 - Win 95 to XP and have had no complaints from my clients.  I just
>install them with my software and *POOF*, all my font issues are gone!
   If you read back in the thread, the idea of requiring the user to install 
any *new* fonts was explicitly ruled out by the guy asking the original 
question. However, if you *can* require your users to install a new font, yours is 
definitely the better way to go. And these days, Bitstream has a 
free-for-the-downloading font called Vera which is exactly and specifically designed to be 
identical across platforms! I can't find a way to get it from the Bitstream 
website, but you can download Mac Classic, Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux versions 
of Vera from [].

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