Unable to delete file from user space
Marian Petrides
mpetrides at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 29 19:54:48 EDT 2004
Oops. That stack wasn't really intended for public consumption. I was
just testing the upload, download and delete processes but found I
couldn't delete it from my user space.
This isn't a bug. The handler in question reads as noted below, so it
is doing exactly what it was designed to do (quit the app--which if you
are running it in the IDE turns out to be Rev itself). This stack is
intended to be run by a loader/splash screen standalone, so having the
close box quit it that context makes some logical sense. Choosing yes
saves the stack then quits, clicking no just quits. If this were a
real app, you'd also want a choice to cancel and return to the app. I
just slapped this together in response to a query about how to prompt
for a save before quitting.
So, in summary, the problem is mine and not Rev's.
On closeStackRequest
Answer "Do you want to save first?" with "No" or "Yes"
If it is Yes then
save this stack
end if
end CloseStackRequest
On Jul 29, 2004, at 6:54 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
> At 16:06 29/07/2004 -0400, Marian Petrides wrote:
>> Is anyone else having trouble deleting an uploaded file from their
>> user space. I just uploaded a file to see how it works, but now when
>> I select it and click on delete, I get an error that says error
>> uploading file.
> I was browsing around the User Spaces, and played your Address Book
> example.
> When I closed the window, it asked "Do you want to save?", I said No -
> and it quit all the way out of Revolution. I'm not sure if it should
> do that or not - the other stacks I've Played so far didn't.
> Does that happen when you Play it ?
> Is it a bug I should report ?
> -- Alex.
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