iTunes and rev

Scott Rossi scott at
Wed Jul 28 17:19:44 EDT 2004

Recently, "Yves COPPE"  wrote:

> On mac OS X and Rev 2.2, is it possible to read and import the entire
> list of songs in the iTunes main list ??

Yes, using AppleScript.  Keep in mind, if the main library is *huge*
(thousands of songs) it could take several seconds to grab the list.

The following function should work (you'll have to parse the results by

 function getTracks
  put quote & "library" & quote into L
  put \
      "tell application"&& quote & "iTunes" & quote & cr &\
      "get name of every track of playlist" && L & cr &\
      "end tell" into s
  do s as AppleScript
  put the result into tList
  return tList
 end getTracks

NOTE: We're close to releasing a Rev shell stack (lib-iTunes, if you will)
that allows you to control almost everything about iTunes (no disc burning
though).  This will allow you to create your own skinnable iTunes controller
with Rev.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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