Cross-platform fonts...what is everyone else doing?

SimPLsol at SimPLsol at
Wed Jul 28 13:12:57 EDT 2004

This is not always possible because of the different sizes of fonts. For 
example, 14 pt. Times is about the same size as 12 pt Helvetica. A screen set up 
for one will not look right when displayed with the other.

A while back someone on this list (thank you, someone) mentioned using 
Bitstream Vera. I realize this is not included with ANY system and therefore does 
not answer Judy's original post. But it is a very nice font.

The things I like best about it are:
1. It is almost the same size as Geneva, so all my old HyperCard stacks 
convert nicely - as opposed to using Arial or Helvetica which are much narrower, or 
continuing with Geneva which is a Mac-only font.
2. It looks good in print and on the screen.
3. It looks good in small sizes (9 pt).
4. There is a proportional and non-proportional font which look good together 
(so you don't have to mix Geneva with Courier or Monaco)
5. There are serif and sanserif fonts which look good together (I plan to try 
this in the next operating manual, instead of Times and Helvetica)
6. It is cross platform.
7. It is free.

What I don't like:
1. It is not included with any OS.
2. The minus "-" symbol is smaller horizontally than the plus "+".
3. It is a bit ornate, somewhat like Lucinda or Bernhard Modern (well, not 
quite that extreme).

Obviously I like it and I wish there was a way to include it with Revolution. 
But I'm not sure this will solve the problems raised by Judy, they seem to be 
more of an issue with Windows than with any particular font.
Paul Looney

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