Cross-platform fonts...what is everyone else doing?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Jul 27 22:14:24 EDT 2004

Judy Perry wrote:
>>If you see a mix of fonts, remember that there is a limitation I didn't
>>note earlier:  if you set the textSize, textStyle, or textHeight of an
>>object it will also assign the textFont, using the current effective
> Ummm, I'm not certain I understand this.  In any case, why is it
> okey-dokey for the first several cards and then completely incorrect for
> the remainder?  I only used just the two fonts -- Trebuchet MS and Comic
> Sans MS.  The systems I tested them on all had those two fonts installed.
> I was able to "fix" them back correctly under the Windows systems having
> the problems.
> I just don't get it...

Where is the font being set:  in the card, the stack, or the controls 

Could it be that some of the cards and/or controls have their textFont 
set, while others are empty and therefore inheriting the stack's textFont?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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