linkClicked not sent for fields with listbehavior=true

Mark Brownell gizmotron at
Tue Jul 27 16:50:28 EDT 2004

On Tuesday, July 27, 2004, at 01:34 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> I actually was inspired by some stuff I saw by Chipp Walters and Jerry 
> Daniels while at the Monterey Rev conference.  You use htmlText along 
> with tab stops to have nice graphics along with your text and to store 
> data about each line in the field.  The sample I am working on has a 
> total of 5 columns but only 2 are visible.  The last 3 store IDs, Type 
> and Expanded state.
> -- 
> Trevor DeVore

Check this line out:

<p>  <img src="binefile:media/bobsFace.gif"> </img>  <bob'sFace 
imgData="external file" localfile="media"> </bob'sFace>   Here's <old 
60's phrase>some groovy stuff </old 60's phrase> about Bob from 

reads like:
[image]    Here's some groovy stuff about Bob from Enzite...

no tabs or columns and includes an extensible markup tag set.

Yeah Rev!   Go team go!


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