why I needed this (was Re: anyone here got a function to find is a string is base64 encoded?)

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Sun Jul 25 20:56:04 EDT 2004

On Jul 25, 2004, at 9:36 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> Is this safe?
> Dar


thats on the client side, like you are the one making the request. You 
call the xmlrpcRequest function with an arbitrary numbers of 
parameters. They will all be probed and an XML-RPC Method Request XML 
will be assembled. Integers will be put inside <int> tags, arrays 
inside <array> or <struct> depending on the presence of keys or not. 
One problem was how to detect a base64 param if they look like strings? 
Now we can try to detect them and put well formed base64 inside 
<base64> param, were not encoding nor decoding it, we're just taking it 
to the server.

now you can do xmlrpcRequest "http://www.myServer.com", 
"rpcDemos.doStuff", 1, "a string", base64Encode("some stuff")

and we'll generate a correct XML like this:
<param><value><string>a string</string></value></param>


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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