Rev player

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Sun Jul 25 17:53:21 EDT 2004

Hi Troy, Stephen, Klaus, et al,

> Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 15:32:18 -0400
> From: Troy Rollins <troy at>
> Subject: Re: Rev player
> On Jul 25, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Revinfo1155 at wrote:
>> Did as you suggested and the player would not save the changes. How
>> come?
> It could be the player is configured for maximum security (whatever
> that is called in Rev.) It is supposed to act something akin to the
> shockwave player, which prevents "harmful" activities (saving files,
> deleting files, etc.) on the end-user's computer.

I don't think so. I haven't tried it yet, but I bet if you incorporate
normal "Save" or "Save as" scripted menu items in your stacks, then they
should save according to the scripts, otherwise what good would the player
be? I mean, it should disallow access to code, but not to updating files
which are specifically interacted with, and handled by, the code in your UI.

All the best,
Ken N.

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