Express to Dreamcard was RE: scrollbar problems

Alex Tweedly alex at
Thu Jul 22 09:36:41 EDT 2004

At 06:04 22/07/2004 -0700, Richard Gaskin wrote:

>As for the licensing stuff, I haven't yet read a post from Kevin 
>describing what will happen with license holders for the 
>about-to-be-end-of-lifed Express (did I miss it?).

Yes, it's in the FAQ mentioned in Kevin's announcement email
    An FAQ on the changes to Express can be found here:

>Because there is nothing in the new product lineup that matches the old 
>Express product, the question is whether those licenses are downgraded to 
>the new DreamCard or upgraded to Studio.  Of course a free upgrade to 
>Studio would be heroic of them, but it might still be good if there were 
>an attractively-priced upgrade option to carry Express users forward.

There's a very attractively priced upgrade at "your next update cycle"
>For your next update pack only, you can cross grade to Studio for $99, the 
>cost of an old style Express update pack.

I think that's pretty good (as Bob called it "a very generous $99")
But thereafter the annual cost has gone up from $99 to $199 - i.e. more per 
year than the initial purchase of Express cost you.

>For myself, I'm glad there's now a clearer differentiation between the 
>products.  I could never quite remember all of the distinctions among 
>them, and making DreamCard more obviously a hobbyist product helps clarify 
>the product line as a whole.
>When comparing prices with other products remember to account for total 
>costs.  I'm not familiar enough with either set of packages to make a 
>comparison (I bought a MetaCard license years ago which was only available 
>for $995 and never regetted it), but the issue has come up on other lists 
>and last time I read such a thread Rev's prices were ultimately on par.

Well, just 10 days ago I bought my first license - Express plus a one year 
update bundle.
Now I find that there will be no updates on the product I bought.

Tell me again  - why should I be happy about it ?

(And I won't even mention the fact that I bought it in the UK, at 40% more 
than the USD prices we generally talk about).

-- Alex.

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