scrollbar problems: Scrolling a blank stack

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Wed Jul 21 18:07:07 EDT 2004

At 2:00 PM -0700 7/21/2004, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>While this can be done via script, there is currently no way to 
>interactively create objects in groups other than by setting the 
>editBackground to true, which gives a side-effect that's usually 
>undesirable in which the group's scrollbars and all objects outside 
>of the group disappear while the editBackground is true.

You can use the create command with a group:

   create button "Foo" in group "Bar" -- group must already exist

Your larger point is right on, though - there are a couple of things 
that would be so helpful in creating draw-type environments. That bug 
URL again: 
That and this one: 
are both pretty critical to creating that class of application...
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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