Revolution isn't Drawing Card

Derek Bump webmaster at
Thu Jul 15 23:00:26 EDT 2004

I have the following script below setup in a substack.  When it's executed I get a new window that appears with nothing in it.  Revolution isn't drawing the card until after the "openStack" message is complete.  Is this right?!!!  I was sure that hidden operations were to happen during the "preOpenStack" message.  Any ideas on how to fix this?

on preOpenStack
  select item 1 of cd btn "areaSelection"
  send "mouseUp" to cd btn "areaSelection"
end preOpenStack

on openStack
  if selectedAccountID is not empty then
    -- Hide the Tab Group
    hide group (the selectedText of cd btn "areaSelection")
    show group "statusDownload"
    -- Setup and Download All Account Information
    -- Show the Tab Group
    hide group "statusDownload"
    show group (the selectedText of cd btn "areaSelection")
  end if
end openStack

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Images Easily with JPEGCompress

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