help with speedy graphics

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Jul 13 19:47:50 EDT 2004

Alex Tweedly wrote:
> The script (see below) uses (tries to use) templateGraphic to set the 
> size and colour, but this doesn't seem to have any effect.  It also uses 
> lockscreen - but I see each rectangle being drawn one-by-one - I had 
> expected that with lockscreen set, I would see nothing until all the 
> rectangles were drawn and lockscreen was set false again.
> Script is :
> on mouseUp
>   put the filename of this stack & cr into field "Field 1"
>   put 0  into Kbase
>   put the ticks into startTime
>   put 10 into N
>   set the style of templateGraphic to rectangle
>   set the width of  templateGraphic  to 8
>   set the height of templateGraphic  to 6
>   set the foregroundColor of templategraphic  to "Firebrick3"
>   set the lockScreen to true
>   repeat with k1 = 1 to N
>     repeat with k2 = 1  to N
>       put Kbase + N*k1 + k2 into Kounter
>       put "G"&Kounter into G
>       create graphic G
>       --      set the style of graphic G to rectangle
>       set the location of graphic G to (100+10*k1,100+10*k2)
>       --      set the width of  graphic G to 8
>       --      set the height of graphic G to 6
>       --      set the foregroundColor of graphic G to "Firebrick3"
>     end repeat
>   end repeat
>   set the lockScreen to false
>   put the ticks -startTime & cr after field "Field 1"
> end mouseUp

It may be the IDE getting in the way, adjusting those properties on 
newGraphic.  Adding "lock messages" before the loop seems to take care 
of it.

As for the lockscreen issue, I believe that's a known bug in the IDE; 
you should not see that in a standalone or if the IDE is suspended.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Rev tools and more:

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