Arrays in Rev (long)

Troy Rollins troy at
Sun Jul 11 22:56:02 EDT 2004

On Jul 11, 2004, at 10:35 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> The best answer would depend on usage -- can you give us a scenario 
> for what you have in mind?

For the most part, I mean "generally." In Director, the use of nested 
lists is... well, it is how you store working data, at least if you are 
at any level in programming. You store objects, text, images, binary 
data, parsed XML, basically everything in different types of lists, and 
nested lists.

So, I'm looking for what the generic storage type is in Rev when you 
have lots of related data. I currently use stacks for stuff which needs 
to exist session to session, but what about temporary single-session 

(Looking at the posted topic now.)

RPSystems, Ltd.

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