anyone here implemented common CS data structures... (stack, queue...)
Andre Garzia
soapdog at
Thu Jul 8 23:04:23 EDT 2004
nice setup you have! I am debuging and clearing my "cursed comments" on
my data structure lib, I'll release it soon, I am just implementing
some more code... I've implemented a LIFO Queue using box lib by Dar
Scott, actually, the box lib is almost a second nature to me, sometimes
I think I use it more than Dar...
and the use of box lib is cool because this way I can insert some
complex data on the queue like arrays and images... and mix with
strings and numbers... pretty cool!
Thanks for your email, I never thought of using a queue the way you
mentioned, I use them usually in calculation process... thanks to your
explanation I am changing some CGI code of mine to something more
inteligent. :D
On Jul 8, 2004, at 11:28 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:
>> did anyone here, by chance, implemented common data strucutres like
>> stacks and queues, like stacks with first in last out behaviour and
>> first in first out behaviour...
> Hi Andre,
> I have used LIFO queues in HyperTalk and Transcript.
> The queues are simply global or declared local variables containing
> lists of transaction requests. Various handlers check the last line
> of the queue and do different things depending on transaction type.
> Example: OenoLog has a Wine Lot screen where one can add, edit, &
> delete wine lots. The screen includes a "Thumbs Up" button the user
> clicks to complete a transaction. When the user initiates a
> transaction, "Add", "Edit", or "Delete" is append to the queue in a
> new trailing line. On mouseUp the "Thumbs Up" handler checks the last
> line of the queue to determine how to process the data in the window.
> It can get more complicated: Suppose I'm in the middle of a Wine Lot
> Edit transaction, and when I'm shown the Grape Variety screen to
> select the correct variety, it isn't listed. I can interrupt the Wine
> Lot Edit transaction and initiate a Grape Variety Add transaction.
> The queue now lists "Edit" on one line and "Add" on the following
> line. The "Thumbs Up" button on the Grape Variety screen will process
> the Add and delete the last line of the queue before returning the new
> Grape Variety to the Wine Lot screen and continuing the Edit.
> And it can get even more complicated: Suppose I'm processing a
> Winemaking transaction, and when I get to the source tank selection
> stage I find the tank hasn't been identified to the system. I must
> interrupt the Winemaking Add transaction and initiated a Tank Add
> transaction. The Tank Add transaction must be interrupted by a Wine
> Lot Add transaction if the Wine Lot in the tank has not been
> identified to the system. In turn, that transaction can be
> interrupted to initiate Grape Variety Add and Vineyard Add
> transactions is those items are missing.
> The use of queue-supported, interruptible transactions allows, among
> other things, the user to immediately begin transaction processing
> with NO initial setup, if desired.
> Anything more you'ld like to know.
> --
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company
> "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
> Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
> from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL
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