Groups and backgrounds

Troy Rollins troy at
Thu Jul 8 00:16:12 EDT 2004

On Jul 7, 2004, at 11:09 PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

>> I tend to put most of my scripts at the group level, rather than the 
>> object level. On some of these groups I select "background behavior" 
>> in the property inspector. I had understood that this would put the 
>> group in the message path between the card and the stack... but it 
>> doesn't seem to behave like that.
> The background behavior property has nothing to do with the message 
> path: it simply determines whether the group is included on any new 
> card created in the stack.

See below...

>> If my group has a method... er, handler called "groupAction" and the 
>> group is "background behavior TRUE" then I had thought that *any* 
>> object on the card could do like -
>> on mouseUp
>> 	groupAction
>> end mouseUp
> Not *any* object on the card: just controls in the group.

Sorry. Still confused. Accodring to the dox -

If a group's backgroundBehavior is false, the group is in the message 
path for all controls it owns, but is not in the message path of any 
other object.

If a group's backgroundBehavior property is true, the group is also in 
the message path for any cards it is placed on.

What you are describing is the former. What I want is the latter.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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