Groups and backgrounds

Troy Rollins troy at
Wed Jul 7 22:38:51 EDT 2004

Still trying to extend my "best practice" usage of the message path...

I tend to put most of my scripts at the group level, rather than the 
object level. On some of these groups I select "background behavior" in 
the property inspector. I had understood that this would put the group 
in the message path between the card and the stack... but it doesn't 
seem to behave like that.

If my group has a method... er, handler called "groupAction" and the 
group is "background behavior TRUE" then I had thought that *any* 
object on the card could do like -

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

But this generally results in "background not found" errors, until an 
explicit path is put in, and the method call is converted to a send. 
Like -

on mouseUp
	send "groupAction" to group "bkgTest"
end mouseUp

Why would that be? What am I missing?

RPSystems, Ltd.

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