Documentation & Books

Phil Davis davis.phil at
Tue Jul 6 19:26:31 EDT 2004

Hi Richard -

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Gaskin" <ambassador at>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Documentation & Books

--- snip ---
> Reading is a poor way to learn programming.  In any programming language
> the most meaningful learning is accomplished through experimentation.
> In 15 years I have met no one who learned programming by reading alone.

Yes, but... I think some things can be more effectively (or maybe just more
quickly) "gotten" by reading than by other means:

- the models and metaphors upon which a language draws for its order and
vocabulary. These things tell you what you can expect to find as you explore
the language.

- the vocabulary itself. It's hard to gain comprehensive command of a
language without approaching it systematically, and that usually means
following someone else's proven path.

I guess it's not really that reading is so great, but that interaction ABOUT
the language with others can sometimes be like nothing else for making the
lights come on. Sometimes the interaction and learning paths have become
predictable enough to spin into a highly structured and organized state and
be written down. But mostly it's like this list - knowledge resides in the
community of learners (basic andragogy).

Just my 'pinions...
Phil Davis

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