Executing shell commands (OS X)

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at genesearch.com.au
Mon Jul 5 19:41:16 EDT 2004

You don't need to use AppleScript to run Terminal commands in OS X, you 
can do it directly from Revolution.
Check out the shellCommand property & shell function. To do what you 
suggest below, try something like this:

set the shellCommand to "/bin/sh/bash"
get shell("cd ELS/els-xml")
get shell("make viewpdf")

Doing it this way will not actually involve the Terminal application, 
so no extra windows will be opened.


On 6 Jul 2004, at 8:33 am, Kaveh Bazargan wrote:

> I am building a stack as a front end to some shell commands which I
> normally type in Terminal. Most of the commands are "make" commands 
> and I
> want each button to send one of these commands.
> This is how I am doing it now:
> I have a hidden field called "makeScript" with this text in:
> tell application "Terminal"
>   try
>   close window 1
>  end try
> do script with command "\
>     bash;
>     cd ELS/els-xml;
> make viewpdf"
> end tell
> I need to change the make command near the end, with each button. So 
> each
> button edits that line, and then sends the following command:
> do fld "makeScript" as applescript
> Now this looks very clumsy and it is. Is there a more elegant way of 
> doing
> this? (I am having to close the Terminal window each time as each time 
> a
> new Terminal window is opened. It would be nice if this didn't happen.)

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