building custom libs (was Re: Building a standalone)

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Jul 5 14:07:55 EDT 2004

On Jul 5, 2004, at 2:38 PM, hershbp at wrote:

> I wish I'd know how to make my own library.
> Thanks

What do you mean by 'make my own library'?

If you want a image library, just create a stack (even a substack, but 
reusing substacks is strange) drop your images in it (like, import as 
control) then in your software, when changing for example the icon 
property of a button, instead of selecting Revolution Icon lib or 
MetaCard lib, choose this stack, your images will be there available. 
Or better, change the icon prop to the ID prop of the image.

If you want a code library there are many ways. I use this, I have a 
simple stack called "soapdog all purpose lib" with all my common 
handlers, I add this stack to the standalone then on startup I put it's 
script on the back, now the handlers are available stackwide. (I just 
coined the term stackwide and I liked it)

Anyone here got more tips?


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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