TIP: put it out!

Troy Rollins troy at rpsystems.net
Sat Jul 3 23:04:30 EDT 2004

On Jul 3, 2004, at 5:25 AM, MisterX wrote:

>     if word 1 of l is "do" then
>       if quote&"put" is in l and "into" is not in it and "after" is 
> not in
> it and "before" is not in it then
>         put l & "*" & cr after linelist

I notice that the determination if a "PUT" in a "debugging PUT" used 
here is

>    if quote&"put" is in l and "into" is not in it and "after" is not in
> it and "before" is not in it then

Yet, I frequently use

Put tVariableName after MSG

Which has the effect of not replacing the message window content, but 
appending to it. This is the native behavior of Director, which also 
has an interactive message window quite similar to Rev's. Since I use 
PUT quite a bit, the continuous replacing of the content in the window 
is less than desirable. Sometimes, I PUT things multiple times a 
second, so obviously replacing the content that many times would be all 
but useless, since you would only be able to read the very last message 
you PUT.

The syntax I use, to workaround the message window behavior, would make 
such a script non-functional.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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