RTF mode for fields?

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Sat Jul 3 14:56:46 EDT 2004

Hi JR,

the ";" bug was noted and I believe fixed in the current alpha version 
of 2.3. I'll be sure and check next time I download it.



btw, the alpha release is only posted to those on the improve-revolution 

John Rule wrote:

>>RR says that since the engine supports
>>styled text, the current behavior is appropriate
> I discovered that part of the problem is the conversion of certain
> characters (quotation marks for one) when pasting from (example) Notepad
> into a stack field. The quotation marks are sometimes converted to
> non-standard characters...
> This now reminds me of another text pasting problem I was having with custom
> properties. Pasting text into the contents field for a custom property was
> consistently stripping characters form my text. Mostly the semi-colon ";" (I
> was pasting JavaScript code). I had to manually input all of my line
> terminators (pretty annoying) every time I pasted. Maybe this is used as
> some internal delimiter?
> Windows XP
> 2.5 engine
> JR
>>Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2004 00:21:56 -0500
>>From: "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at hyperactivesw.com>
>>Subject: Re: RTF mode for fields?
>>To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
>>Message-ID: <40E64274.8010209 at hyperactivesw.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>>On 7/2/04 4:49 PM, John Rule wrote:
>>>Is there a way to 'permanently' make a field text only? I am finding
> that no
>>>matter what I do, when I paste text into a field from (example) NotePad
> or
>>>WordPad (and the document is text only), the field in my stack contains
>>>This is also a problem in the reverse...all text coming from my stacks
> is
>>>RTF text (i.e. when I paste from my stack fld to WordPad).
>>There's a bug report about this in Bugzilla, but it wasn't verified as a
>>real bug the last time I looked. RR says that since the engine supports
>>styled text, the current behavior is appropriate. I'd like it better if
>>plain text stayed that way, but I can see there might be a problem
>>because of font inheritance. If you put plain text into a field and it
>>inherits the system font, for example, should that text now be
>>considered styled text or not?
>>Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
>>HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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