Alternate to videoGrabber?

Chipp Walters chipp at
Thu Jul 1 17:35:46 EDT 2004

Hi Troy,

It seems to me a good idea to always do a 'test-bed' app before spending 
too many hours only to find a feature lacking. Course, this lesson is a 
hard one, and one I've had to learn through experience;-). In fact, I 
wanted to use text-to-speech in an app awhile back, but found Rev 
supported a different version of the Speech engine than what is 
currently shipped in XP (things change so fast).

While you are understandably let down in this aspect, it doesn't change 
the fact your app won't work correctly.

It looks like you may want to talk with Trevor regarding customizing his 
QT external? Maybe it can be done w/out too much trouble (fingers-crossed;-)



Troy Rollins wrote:

> In the meantime, my software is finished on OSX, but will not run on 
> Windows XP... which is rather contrary to Revolution's marketing. 
> revVideoGrabber is in the docs, and lists as being compatible on 
> Windows, but it really isn't. I'm looking for some alternative. Is there 
> a different external somewhere which will actually allow video preview 
> and still-frame capture from USB or Firewire, on Windows, and supporting 
> recent hardware and software? (he said, well-knowing the answer.)

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