List field behavior

Robert Presender rpresender at
Sat Jan 31 18:39:12 EST 2004


On Saturday, January 31, 2004, at 03:04  PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

> Bob,
> Is this the effect you are looking for:
> 	delete line 2 of field [fieldName]
> 	wait 1 second -- to see deletion
> 	put "New line 2" & return before line 2 of field [fieldName]
No. This just adds a blank line in line 3 of 4. My problem is that I 
want line 3 to take the place of line 2 and result in only two lines.  
I don't want to add text to the deleted line.  I use a count syntax to 
add a new line after the existing lines in my SC version.
In my SC app, when a line is deleted the lines below move up to the 
deleted space.

Regards ... Bob

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