Opening a Rev app from a browser?

Doug Lerner doug at
Thu Jan 29 21:57:33 EST 2004

On 1/30/04 11:35 AM, "Andre Garzia" <soapdog at> wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2004, at 12:25 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:
>> I'm not sure. What is a revHTTPd server? I have my own server that I
>> would
>> like to do this via.
>> doug
> revHTTPd is an embedable (hell my english is horrible sometimes)
> server, it's a frontscript (a button), you put it on a stack, and then
> it is able to serve itself and it's substacs like they were web apps.
> You can try my home revHTTPd server and learn more about it at
>  (it's my home machine here in Brazil
> under a 256k cable with a stupid paranoic ISP)
> with this server you can drive a Rev app in the server or interact with
> it, all the pages at my home server are actually substacks running, and
> you pass parameters to them with no fuss. But for a browser to launch a
> Rev app locally (at the client-side) it would be tought, it's like
> running a exe from remote, very dangerous stuff.

I see. Thanks for the explanation. I don't need to run any rev apps server
side. In fact, I would prefer not to. :)

But I do need to click a link and start a local "client" for interaction
with the server.


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