MacWorld article on Revolution

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Jan 28 14:00:58 EST 2004

Klaus Major wrote:

>> Naturally, there are drawbacks. The stand-alone apps you build in
>> Revolution run more slowly than comparable RealBASIC or AppleScript
>> Studio projects, and they take up a lot more space.
> RR slower than VB???
> More space???
> Outer space???

The latter. :)

Actual performance benchmarks show otherwise for many common tasks, and
productivity measurements favor Rev nearly across the board.

>> Also, Transcript is a proprietary language, so, unlike BASIC or
>> AppleScript, you can't use it to program in another environment.
> This one is extremely funny :-D
> Basic is an "allround" language?

It's especially odd that a writer in a Mac magazine considers something an
open standard by virtue of Microsoft's illegal ubiquity.

All popular implementations of BASIC today depart radically from the
original standard, and all are proprietary, as is Apple's AppleScript.

And if not for Microsoft's pushing it (often with arm-twisting of a sort
that would get me sued in a heartbeat if I shared what I've heard from
insiders), BASIC would be no more popular than Cobal today.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador at

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