Burning a disc of files

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Tue Jan 27 13:17:15 EST 2004

On Monday, January 19, 2004, at 01:09 PM, Barry Levine wrote:

> Personally, I'd love to see an example stack with radio buttons for CD 
> format, a button with Transcript code to fill a field with filepaths 
> and sizes and, in the stack script, the syntax for taking this info 
> and accomplishing the burn. If Applescript is the best external 
> method, then so be it. Provide the Applescript along with the example 
> stack.

With 'do', the AppleScript is in the stack.

Some experiments:
Try using Rev to copy files to a CD and see what happens.
Try using AppleScript to Finder to copy files to a Cd and see what 

I looked at the AppleEvent Dictionary for Finder and did not see Burn.  
There is a menu item and it has a ... on it.

Dar Scott

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