missing mail

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Mon Jan 26 16:45:34 EST 2004

On Monday, January 26, 2004, at 01:57 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 1/26/04 2:48 PM, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> If you are referring to your posts to the list, you might not have 
>> noticed that the listmaster changed the list behavior and by the 
>> default the reply goes only to the poster not to the list now (for a 
>> while it was set to go to both). One must to explicitely address a 
>> reply to the list to see it there.
> I don't get this behavior. I just now hit "reply" and it was addressed 
> to the entire list.

I didn't see Robert's mail.  I did see mine.

When I hit return I got both Jacqueline's and the list's address. (This 
seems dependent on the sender.)  The reply-to includes both on that 
mail, but it does not on most list mail.  Digests?  Setting?

I better go look at my settings.

Dar Scott

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