
Peter T. Evensen pevensen at
Mon Jan 26 13:35:16 EST 2004

Thanks!  That was it!  I knew it must have been something simple.

I guess I assumed with the "in 10 sec" it automatically did a "without 

You are correct, the documentation on moveStopped isn't clear on that 
point, and somehow I missed that point under move, or forgot it.


At 11:21 AM 1/26/2004, you wrote:
>At 10:59 am -0600 26/1/04, Peter T. Evensen wrote:
>>There must be something simple I'm overlooking.  I have the
>>following in an object's script:
>>on mouseUp
>>                 move me to 300, 400 in 10 sec
>>end mouseUp
>>on moveStopped
>>         beep
>>         set the loc of me to 10, 10
>>end moveStopped
>>moveStopped is never sent to the object.  I've tried this with a
>>group and with a circle graphic.   No beep.  I even put a breakpoint
>>in the on moveStopped, it never breaks.
>Try this:
>on mouseUp
>     move me to 300, 400 in 10 sec without waiting
>end mouseUp
>on moveStopped
>    beep
>    set the loc of me to 10, 10
>end moveStopped
>or this:
>on mouseUp
>   move me to 300, 400 in 10 sec
>    beep
>    set the loc of me to 10, 10
>end mouseUp
>The moveStopped message is only sent when "without waiting" is used. The 
>dictionary entry under moveStopped doesn't make this clear, but it's 
>decribed under the "move" entry.
>Which to use depends largely on whether you want the script to continue 
>while the move is taking place.
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Peter T. Evensen

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