What is Rev doing?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Mon Jan 26 12:58:23 EST 2004

Jerry Daniels wrote:

> Lotsa folks probably use the command-option click in their apps.

That's a lot of keys for any app aimed at the general public.  I wonder how
many folks use that, and if there might be a more user-friendly alternative
for those apps?

> I prefer to hover, myself. That way there's no conflict.

A well-crafted frontscript could avoid conflict by checking the environment,
and of course always passing the mousedown system message.

Much of the Rev IDE lives in backscripts instead of frontscripts,  making
messages like selectedObjectChanged dependent on the dilligent goodwill of
all scripts ahead of them.

Messages the IDE needs could be moved to a frontscript, and the Suspend IDE
feature would allow the relatively small subset of users who need
Command-Option-Click to test that shortcut.  Actions triggered by such a
combination are likely shortcuts to functionality also available through a
visual elememnt (menu or button), so it wouldn't seriously hamper testing
for the relative few who need it.

And as a preference it's even better, so folks could use the SC method or
the HC method as they like.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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