What is Rev doing?

Dom mcdomi at free.fr
Mon Jan 26 04:24:51 EST 2004

Jerry Daniels <mato.kola at wanblizaptan.com> wrote:

> I believe revScriptEdit is a message that is sent by the Rev IDE so 
> that the IDE can check to see if you have depressed certain modifier 
> keys that will, in turn, bring up a script editor or a property 
> inspector. This involves cpu usage.

I tried the trick me too... it is between 3% and 14%, raw 10%...
I disabled the "opt-cmd" checkbox in Preferences: it drops down to 0% -
10 % raw 7%...

Don't complain, though: I tried a funny thing named "Konfabulator" (a
java engine for various applets) which eated up to 50% CPU time -- and
eventually broked my 10.2.4 system ;->
(I had only to restart)

Digital photos (nature, garden) : http://cooldomi.free.fr/
Scripting : http://domiscript.free.fr/

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