RAM used with RunRev, Video, MIDI

erik hansen erikhans08 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 24 20:55:58 EST 2004

it seems that for development, the mac G4 ibook
has the most compatability with video & MIDI.

in Revolution, i would like to have little
movielets where i now have 32 x 32 pixel icons
of dancers ambling around the screen in a 
scripted fashion.

16 controls with various "iconic"
video loops would require some RAM.

add even very simple MIDI patches and it
adds up. i have no idea how much RAM it takes
to operate efficiently. can i get 30 minutes
of video in there?

anyone have experience running RunRev AND
video footage in RAM?



erik at erikhansen.org    http://www.erikhansen.org

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