trouble with loading externals...

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Thu Jan 22 12:35:32 EST 2004


Thursday, January 22, 2004, 6:42:41 AM, you wrote:

AR> - during IDE development the .bundle or .dll files have to be in the
AR> Revolution folder (or in the defaultFolder)

AR> - in a standalone the .bundle or .dll files have to be in the app's
AR> folder. (or in the defaultFolder) BTW there is also a way to hide the
AR> .bundle into the app bundle on Mac OS X.

Actually, the external library can be *anywhere*, in either the IDE or
standalone environments. The trick is to specify the path (either
absolute or relative) in the set statement. Of course, the easiest
thing, both for development and for distribution, is to place the
external in the same directory or bundle. But I often find that for
external development setting the externals location to a relative path
makes things less complicated.

set the externals of this stack to "../externaltest/test.dll"
set the externals of this stack to "C:/mylibraries/externals/test.dll"

AR> - It's OK to specify both the bundle and dll but I think there is a bug
AR> in the engine on OS X that it won't see the Mac bundle unless you 
AR> specify it last! ie

!!! Thanks. I didn't know about that one.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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