[OT] Poetry (was Re: Height/width limit on groups?)

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at east.uio.no
Wed Jan 21 16:10:56 EST 2004

Someone tried to organise a poetry contest on the 
HyperCard list way back in the last century 
(1999). I've dug up my  posting from then:

"For one who mainly uses HyperCards to move words around and who refers to
Option-Shift as the _enjambement_ character, this HyperTalk poetry contest
came as an interesting challenge. With no experience in actually creating
poetry, but some as a translator, I decided to try to translate one of the
most translated poems in world literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's
"Wandrers Nachtlied", into native HyperTalk, using HyperCard's inner poetic
world to its full extent and avoiding as much as possible such vulgar
interferences from English and the so-called "real world" as quoted

on nightSong
   --   Ueber allen Gipfeln
   --   Ist Ruh,
   repeat with peak = 1 to the number of backgrounds
     set the script of  background peak to peace
   end repeat
   --   In allen Wipfeln
   --   Spuerest du
   --   Kaum einen Hauch
   repeat with treetop = 1 to the number of cards
     if breathOfWind is in treetop then exit nightSong
   end repeat
   --   Die Voegelein schweigen im Walde,
   play "birdsong"
   wait until the sound is done
   --   Warte nur, balde
   wait 60 ticks
   --   Ruhest du auch!
   put 60 into soon
   put the ticks into now
   if the ticks is now + soon then send suspendstack to me
end nightSong

For my next translation I am considering Rudyard Kipling's "If ... end if"."
--- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
--- (this msg sent from home, +47/67148424, fax +1/5084372444)

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