[OT] Poetry (was Re: Height/width limit on groups?)

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Wed Jan 21 11:58:41 EST 2004

Hi Phil,

>> ...
>> if the dog 8 my homework then
>>    change my grade
>> end if
> Which kind of brings to mind those people who write poetry in the perl 
> programming language.
> One quick Google later and I found this fab example at 
> http://perlmonks.thepen.com/Perl%20Poetry.html :
> formline BY, $the_confessional;
> pack "IN", $the_box;
> bless $me, Father for @I_have_sinned;
> time - $last_confession >  20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
> my $father; $I, seek YOUR, $wisdom, $guidance and $support;
> $I, sin and $wonder if exists $god{"in heaven"}, each %day;
> $I, link "chains across the", exit; @the_orphanage;
> $I, pop @children's_balloons for $fun;
> $I, do { sleep $around };
> $I, push @nuns, $with_a_broom;
> $I, read MY_NEIGHBOR'S, $mail, 1 or 30, times, each %month;
> $I, import and exp$ort, $illegal_goods;
> $oh and local $police_are_looking for @me;
> cos $I, kill$ed, $my_mother_in_law;
> my $son;
> eval $your_situation and study $the_bible while $I, $the_police->();
> <FATHER>, $Ummm ... wait while $I, split;
> exit, $the_confessional;
> join "the", @circus;


BTW, what the heck does this script actually do?
Nothing probably?

> So, anyone up for writing some Transcript poetry? :-)

OK, ok, i never can resist :-)
And somebody has to start anyway...

Here is my first try, cheap and quick...
(...like the drinks in my example...)

local sparemoney

on havefunornot
   put "50 Euro" into sparemoney
   ## The Euro is very strong in the moment!
   ## Read: more booze for the money 8-)

   go "Twilight Bar"
   repeat until sparemoney = "0 Euro"
     add 100 to alcoholpromille
   end repeat
   go "Home"
   get "AlkaSeltzer"
   find "Bed" ## ;-)
   repeat until alcoholpromille = 0
     get "sleep"
     subtract 100 from alcoholpromille
   end repeat
end havefunornot

on getadrink expensiveness
   switch expensiveness
   case "cheap" ##coke, spa, beer and stuff...
     subtract 2 from word 1 of sparemoney
   case "moderate" ## cheap booze...
     subtract 5 from word 1 of sparemoney
   case "expensive" ## quality booze ;-)
     subtract 10 from word 1 of sparemoney
   case "too late" ## champaign and loose (wo-)men ;-)
     subtract 50 from word 1 of sparemoney
     ## Don't try this with the ridiculous 50 Euro...
   end switch
end getadrink

Tested and works :-D

Please note the variations in "getadrink" ;-)


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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