rev unicode still crap?

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Wed Jan 21 10:50:19 EST 2004

At 6:07 pm +0900 21/1/04, mark wrote:
>After beating my head on the wall in the past, I decided to return
>to this issue.  However, as far as I can tell, the unicode and
>uniEncode capability of rev is still crap.  I attempted to convert
>an old stack into unicode... very simple script:
>create field
>put uniEncode(field "oldshiftJis",Japanese) into last field
>set the textFont of last field to "osaka,japanese"
>The new fields made in this way display the japanese text just fine.
>But if you attempt to edit them, you go into endless beachball spin
>and have to force-quit rev. Again and again....
>This is rev 2.02 on mac OS10.2.  I would purchase the update to rev
>2.1x if the unicode handling were not still crap in that.  Anyone
>know if it was improved between these versions? Boy do I pine for
>the ease of Hypercard's Japanese ability!

In 2.02 on OS X 10, the following allowed me to edit the text in 
field 2. (The original text in field 1 was shift-jis.)

    put uniEncode(field 1,Japanese) into t1
    set the unicodeText of field 2 to t1
    set the textFont of field 2 to "osaka,japanese"


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