Question about the name of the target for new graphics

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 20 01:34:25 EST 2004

On 1/20/04 12:14 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

> On 1/20/04 3:05 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at> wrote:
>>On 1/19/04 11:17 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:
>>>So - when does the name set in
>>>    new graphic newName
>>>get set so proper logging and verification can be done? Where does that
>>>happen? I didn't see anything that did that in the internal newGraphic
>>>    set the name of the templateGraphic to newName
>>>be helpful before the "new graphic" command? That is where I set the other
>>I've never tried it, but I suppose it would work. What I usually do is
>>something like:
>>create graphic "newGraphic"
>>put the name of last graphic after fld "mylog" -- or whatever
>>Or, since you already know the name of the new graphic, you can just log
>>it directly:
>>create graphic "newGraphic"
>>put "newGraphic" after fld "mylog"
> Right. But... I wanted to simultaneously check to make sure the name was set
> right. Just logging what I think it *ought* to be isn't the best way. :)

Ah. Of course. In that case, "the name of last graphic" is your best bet.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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