Porting Postscript code to TRANSCRIPT

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 17 16:55:40 EST 2004

on Sat, 17 Jan 2004 01:01:43 -0800
Mark Wieder wrote:
> ...and remember that it's in RPN or postfix
> notation, so you have to
> kind of squint your eyes and look at it funny until
> it makes sense.

This is a good joke! 
I'll save it to C and java programmers! ;-)

Jean-Jacques Wagner wrote:

> Here you get a small samples of Bezier curve made in
> hypertalk. It is self explanotary and work 
> quite well, depend about what you want to do.

I feel flattered! :-)

I post this code some
time ago in the Hypercard list.
I'm really glad that you could download and
save this stack.

jbv wrote:

> another thing to keep in mind is that PS uses
> various stacks,
> and that each instruction applies to data on top of
> a stack.
> This is important to understand instructions such as
> "exch dup"...

This is similar to the way that Postcript code
recreates the vectors, text and images in an
adobe ilustrator file.

There are a series of globals properties 
like the fill color, line width, line color, etc
that each object could modify or left intact
while it is read.

But I do not understand how these commands or
functions works on the data: dup store exch mat sub.


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