Porting Postscript code to TRANSCRIPT (Bezier curve)
Jean-Jacques Wagner
diwag at pingnet.ch
Sat Jan 17 05:41:17 EST 2004
Here you get a small samples of Bezier curve made in hypertalk. It is self
explanotary and work quite well, depend about what you want to do.
on mouseUp
put the first item of the loc of btn startpoint into x1
put the first item of the loc of btn endpoint into x2
put the first item of the loc of btn control1 into xa
put the first item of the loc of btn control2 into xb
put the second item of the loc of btn startpoint into y1
put the second item of the loc of btn endpoint into y2
put the second item of the loc of btn control1 into ya
put the second item of the loc of btn control2 into yb
put 0 into v1
if the hilite of cd btn "Multiple" = false then cleanUpPicture
put cd fld bezierResolution into zdt
Repeat with i = 1 TO zdt
put i * 1/zdt into v1
put 1 - v1 into v2
put (x1 * (v2 * v2 * v2) + (3 * xa * v1 * v2 * v2) + (3 * xb * v1 * v1 *
v2) + (x2 * (v1 ^ 3))) into x
put (y1 * (v2 * v2 * v2) + (3 * ya * v1 * v2 * v2) + (3 * yb * v1 * v1 *
v2) + (y2 * (v1 ^ 3))) into y
put x div 1 & "," & y div 1 & return after variablezxc
end repeat
put the loc of btn "startpoint" & return before variablezxc
choose tool "9"
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of variablezxc -1
put line 1 of variablezxc into cde
put line 2 of variablezxc into cda
drag from cde to cda
delete line 1 of variablezxc
end repeat
if the hilite of cd btn "No" = false
if the hilite of cd btn "Box" = true
drag from the loc of btn "startpoint" to the loc of btn "control1"
drag from the loc of btn "control1" to the loc of btn "control2"
drag from the loc of btn "control2" to the loc of btn "endpoint"
drag from the loc of btn "endpoint" to the loc of btn "startpoint"
else -- if the hilite of cd btn "Line" is true
drag from the loc of btn "startpoint" to the loc of btn "control1"
drag from the loc of btn "control2" to the loc of btn "endpoint"
end if
end if
choose tool 1
end mouseUp
on cleanUpPicture
choose tool 4 -- selection tool
drag from the topleft of this card to the bottomright of this card
if menuitem 6 of menu "edit" = "Clear Picture" then domenu "Clear Picture"
end cleanUpPicture
on mouseenter
set the visible of cd fld "BezierText" to not the visible of cd fld
end mouseenter
> Hi Developers,
> In the web, finally found a code that
> could fit a bezier curve in a set of
> points.
> But, this code was made in Postscript.
> If you understand Postscript,
> Could you explain me how did works this code?
> http://www.tinaja.com/text/fuzzybez.html
> http://www.tinaja.com/glib/bez4pts.pdf
> Thanks in advance.
> al
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