Why are bugs from September still untouched?

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Wed Jan 14 18:07:43 EST 2004

On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 04:01 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

> But after mucking around, it looks like "(?>x*)" and "(?>x)*" do the 
> same. Am I right? But "(?>x*)" seems a lot faster.

How about "(?>xy)"?

> By the way, I still don't get any crash or error with your script.

A clue!  What OS and Rev?

(I often go back and check old bugs with new releases but I don't 
remember whether I did that with this one.  Maybe this got fixed when I 
wasn't looking.  Fixing one bug might fix another.)

Dar Scott

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