what about a Latin America Rev User Group

erik hansen erikhans08 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 13 23:29:25 EST 2004

--- Andre Garzia <soapdog at mac.com> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2004, at 10:51 PM, Alejandro Tejada
> wrote:
> >> I was thinking about creating a Brazilian
> >> Revolution User Group (if there's enought to
> form
> >> a group) or at least a Latin America User
> Group
> >> (My spanish is ugly but I would learn if
> needed).

estimables ordenadores,

puedo possiblemente ayudar le en las areas de
musica y baile. quiero utilisar la musica y
el baile para ensenar la mathematica.
hay interesa entre los ecosseses.

mi espagnol es mas espanglish que no,
pero can dictionario y ayuda, es possible
que puedo contribuar!


erik at erikhansen.org    http://www.erikhansen.org

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