OT: animation [was Re: iMovie vs Final Cut Pro-- and Final Cut Express]

erik hansen erikhans08 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 13 23:11:16 EST 2004

--- Alex Rice <alex at mindlube.com> wrote:

> BTW Richard Harris, director of _Who Framed
> Roger Rabbit_ published in 
> 2001 _The Animator's Survival Kit_. I have it
> in front of me and it is  truly a great book.
> To do what you describe- combining video and
> animation, with full 
> control, I think you would have to use a
> combination of Quicktime, Gif 
> animation, and PNG frame sequences. Or some or
> all of those...

thanks for the information.
when all is said and done,
can you script where & when these things 
will happen from inside Revolution?


erik at erikhansen.org    http://www.erikhansen.org

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