Group Edit anomaly

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 13 16:26:39 EST 2004

On 1/13/04 12:34 PM, Graham Samuel wrote:

> I've got a card which contains various graphics, images and groups. Two 
> of the images are used in a simple animation of sliding doors (one left, 
> one right): I simply have a loop which reduces the width of each door 
> progressively while keeping them anchored to the door frame, with a 
> small delay between iterations. Works fine, but I have the following 
> problem.
> I need to open a group on the card for editing (via script - although 
> the behaviour I'm describing happens in the IDE too). If my 'doors' are 
> in the 'open' position (i.e. they have had their widths reduced to about 
> one tenth of the original width), the act of opening the (unrelated) 
> group for editing and closing it again has an effect on the door images! 
> They return to their original width and are spaced further apart than 
> they were. I cannot imagine what's doing this, but I have got it down to 
> a completely repeatable sequence. For a start, where can the memory of 
> the original door width be kept? Of course it can be my error, but I 
> can't see what sort of error it could be. I'm not running any script in 
> the group or any of its components, nor in the door images.
> I'm looking for a workaround, but meanwhile can anyone suggest what's 
> happening?

Unlocked images will revert to their native dimensions whenever the card 
opens or their enclosing group is edited. Set the lockloc of the images 
to true.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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